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Share Your Voice -- Share your story about the vaccine

Posted about 3 years ago by Meredith Roberts

PLEASE SHARE: Your Stories About Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine

Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine, or are you eagerly awaiting your turn? Are you willing to share your story with others? 

ANA wants to capture your stories! See question prompts below:

  • Were you proud or hopeful in receiving the vaccine?
  • What does it mean to you?
  • Were you initially hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine but after learning more, decided to go ahead? Who or what information influenced your decision? 
  • If you haven’t received it yet, why are you looking forward to receiving it?

It's easy to share your story. Just go to our Year of the Nurse webpage, storytelling section, and submit your vaccine story:

If you would rather just share your story locally, not nationally. Email me (Meredith) at