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Testimony on the Nurse Compact Feb 12 at 9A

Posted about 3 years ago by Meredith Roberts

The Senate Health and Welfare Committee is listening to testimony on the nurse compact tomorrow starting at 9AM. The link to join: Click to join

Friday, February 12, 2021

9:00 AM                   S. 48 - An act relating to Vermont’s adoption of the interstate Nurse Licensure Compact

Testimony, committee discussion

Amerin Aborjaily, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Lauren Hibbert, Director, Office of Professional Regulation, Secretary of State's Office

Ellen Watson, APRN, Chair, Board of Nursing

Laura Pelosi, Lobbyist, Vermont Health Care Association

Meredith Roberts, RN, PhD, Executive Director, American Nurses Association Vermont

Deb Snell, RN, President, Vermont Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, President, AFT Vermont

10:00 AM                   Break