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VT Climate Health Alliance

Posted almost 4 years ago by Meredith Roberts

This announcement has 2 attachments:

For those who are interested in passing climate Health legislation,  the two big climate bills are stuck in committee. Please contact the legislators noted below if you want it to pass. If these bills don't move next week, then we've lost yet another year to inaction.
A big "thanks!" to Chester Areson from the VTCHA team who was on NBC5 this week. Watch here.
Also kudos to Stephanie Clement who had another letter published. This time in Seven Days (scroll down here).
The two bills:
  • S.185 (passed by the Senate, now in the House, and attached here) which regards climate change as a public health threat and thus mandates communication and planning with local public health agencies, hospitals, etc. to put climate mitigation ideas into action and prepare for health problems caused by climate change. We need to get this bill to the House floor for a vote. So, please email Ann Pugh who is the chair of the House Human Services committee and Speaker Johnson to voice your support. (As always, note whatever connection you have to medical or health work, your credentials, etc.).